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Posifitmom (Hülya Özgüner)

Location: Netherlands
Total Followers: 11.4K

My 11,000+ followers consist mostly of active 40+ women for whom a healthy lifestyle is important. On my Instagram account, I motivate women to exercise more and eat healthier. My postings, stories and reels are, among other things, about finding the right balance between active exercise and enjoying life. My stories and reels are incredibly well viewed - on average each time by more than 1,200 different followers. The engagement of my followers is also high: on each posting, story or reel I get an average of 250 likes and 79 comments. According to's objective reports, I have an “outstanding audience quality with extensive reach” and “high engagement compared to influencers with a similar amount of fans.” I have not gone unnoticed by Dutch and Flemish national news media either. In the summer of 2022 the women's glossy Zin published an extensive interview with me and a few years ago I was featured in Libelle magazine with an interview and extensive photo reportage. In addition, I am featured with two pages in the book The Art of Aging Unapologetically” by And Bloom in which 100 active women over 40 are interviewed and photographed. Most recently, I was featured with a large photo in Weekend Knack magazine. For almost my entire life I have been involved in fitness and train almost daily in gym Lijfkracht in Wormer. In addition, I make at least 22,000 steps every day and I do this for a large part during walks with my dog Cici, who can also regularly be seen and heard on my Insta. Against this background, it is not surprising that I have a number of successful collaborations with sports-related organizations to my name. For sports brands Empire Activewear and Prozis, I have been serving as a fitness model for sportswear for several years. I also raise awareness of the benefits of NutraBio's sports nutrition and, as part of promoting a healthy lifestyle, I have also created stories and reels for GUM teeth carriers and Spa soft drinks.

Beauty, Skincare & Personal Care
Fitness & Wellness
Sports & Outdoor Activities
Healthy Lifestyle
Personal Development & Motivation
Content Language
Previous Collaborations


Home health tests

De Jungle

Going out, dancing and...

[Didi] Did Your Hair



Dental care


Cell phone accessories

Optimum Cleaning

Furniture cleaning

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